Before: Touchscreen - Now: Airswing

            Toshiba AirSwing Technology is similar to what we see on science fiction film like minority report that reacts on hands gestures. AirSwing System is install in a PC for use with a webcam. That means it will work with a media center PC under your large-screen LCD TV for controlling content with your hands. The system doesn’t need a lot of processing power either, with the example given being a 3% processor usage on a ARM 11 chip running at 400MHz.
             AirSwing was on display at the Embedded Systems Expo where the video above was captured. As you can see, a semi-transparent version of the user is shown on the screen along with a menu for controlling content viewing and playback. Shake your hand with content selected to start it playing, or swipe your hand left and right to scroll through content. Want to see an image full screen? Then put your palms together in front of you and move them apart.
            Although this will make for a simple and cheap gesture interface on consumer hardware, Toshiba is also planning to use it for interaction with advertising in public areas

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